Wednesday, 17 September 2008


It's been days since i've updated. XD. hehez..So i'm gonna update EVERYTHING now and here...

((>.<)) * * * * * 

Starting from my birthday. XD. I didn't want anything, although yes, i had unhappy moments. 

1. I'm not telling the first issue. 
2. I had an arguement with her [it was cause she didn't understand me!) you might say i'm wrong and all that. but i don't think i am. *hmph* 

On saturday night, the night before i went out with hubby.=]. and then, hubby and i came back at 11 something i was SUPRISED that hubby wanted to stay with me till 12 and he started singing. XD. so sweet. HEHEZ.. it still rings in my ears. i love you hubby. muax. 

Everything was normal the next day, woke up in the morning and fetch my brother to church and went to find hubby. Unlucky thing happen that day, My digi number got barred .__. i know, the PUK number is in my k750i WHICH my brother has ruined it.=/ omg. i still am a little pissed about that issue. *ugh*. So, untill this very day (it has been four days) my digi sim card is still locked. T___T. Then, nothing much happen. It was just like another ordinary day, but then, i was glad hubby was with me. 

Nothing much happen but i rather have him than any other else. Then, at night, we went back to KL. and there the suprise was. HAHAHAAA.. i was packing the things, putting the eggs in the fridge. THERE it was, i saw a cake box on the water filter. XD. haha.. at the moment i was thinking 'a cake???' then the next moment hubby was pulling me apart and ask me to go to the room and pack my things, he was kinda erm...controlling voice? HAHAAAXD. so i went back, Then, hubby called me out to cut cake. HAHAAA..*so it was mine..wink wink*. 

Then, here was the suprise. HAHAA..hubby came and gave me a present. a small box. Wrapped. So, i opened it, and there it was. A key-chain with the number 14. 
XD. then hubby left. I turn around and saw stitches holding another present. i asked him. hubby ask me to open.=]. it was wrapped with layers and layers and layers of newspaper. *like how i use to do it.XD*. Then, it was an ipod nano!!!!>.
OMG OMG OMG. i know!. i was.....



i cried.


so touched.

i love you hubby.


Till now, today, i'm still going omg. XD.

then hubby apologiZed and said he wanted to get the red one. But they didn't have it. So, he wanted to pink one. but again no stock, so he got the silver one. Well, it matches my laptop.XD

if hubby really got the red one. I would scream. LITERALLY...XD

HUBBY!!!i love you.XD muax.
love you.
you are the best thing that has ever happen to me,
in my life.
you are all.

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