Monday 13 July 2009

being useless

Everytime i walk down the street, i see those skinny girls with long nice legs,
or sexy tight ass, or a firm body waist, or even a pair of big bouncy boobs..

it just made me feel bad cz u're stuck with me. the ugly, fat, short, small boobs nobody.

can't be the one u go ''my girlfriend's HOT!''.

i'm sorry i'm crazy over strawberries and blueberries and what more teddy bears.

I'm sorry i love candy more than diamonds.

I've got a big nose and i really can't help it.

I've got kinky hair which i wish i didn't have.

My hair don't stay the same, my smell don't smell any better, my eyes are single eye-lids and my lips are the ugliest of all.

last, i suck at fashion.

i look like a 14 year old girl wearing her older sister's clothes not knowing what fashion is.

i've got a fat tummy and a flabby ass.

I love food but yet i gain weight. i go for work out but i've got exercise-induced...

how i hate this.

i'm stupid and clumsy. you take forever to explain something to me. .i never do things right and i'm always saying things at the wrong place at the wrong time..

i feel so useless all sudden.


Anonymous said...

love yourself...
you are amazing!!!
you may not look like those who fall under what the society say 'hot' but YOU ARE amazing for who you are...

have a confidence in yourself... and as for your bf, if he loves you for who you are, u maybe as small as tweety or as huge as Hulk, but for him, ur still the hottest... :)


Unknown said...

do i know u?

Li ying said...

Ei. dun say urself till so sad la.
in my eyes ur still the ai ling that everyone knows.