Sunday, 27 April 2008

Sleep disorder?

you may have it if you :

-snore loudly when you sleep
-stop breathing during your sleep
-Have violent movements during your sleep
-Find it hard to stay awake in boring situations.
-Fall asleep or get drowsy while driving
-Get sleepy during certain times of the day, but have trouble sleeping at night
-Get so sleepy during daytime that you have to lie down or take a nap.
-Sometimes getting muscle weakness when you are emotional [especially laughing]
-Get unpleasant [creeping, crawling] feeling in your legs when you lie down at night, legs feel restless when you go to sleep at night
-Have disrupted sleep
-worry about your sleep

And also if you:
-are sleepy during daytime in spite sleeping 8 hours a night.
-Have violent behaviour during night
-Always feeling sleepy
-Kept awake by restlessness
-remain unsatisfied with the quality of sleep.

*kinda think of it. i think i have it. *gasp

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