Thursday 23 October 2008

I was lining up in University Printing Hall (or so call room) where there was this guy who was right in front of me.

He as wearing a pink colar shirt. I'm not saying light pink as hubby would wear. And not Hot pink like marcus would wear. But it's BRIGHT PINK!!
like my mouse. BRIGHT PINK!. i almost went blind.
But oh well, if he was HOT with a body-fitting shape, i wouldn't give a damn.
But then, he was.....

huge.i would say? or more likely- NOT IN SHAPE.
well, i'm not saying not in shape like hubby. he's much ROUNDER and FLABBIEr compared to hubby.
And he doesn't fall in the category of FAT or Obese. he's just BIG.

.___. *blink*blink*.

so. that's not it.
He looks like a....awww..i don't know what's that word.
Oily face with pimples so he looks like a valcano there. Then his non-frame glasses like it's the IN-THING now.
curly messy hair.


With bermuda shorts! i think he got it from tesco or some night market. HAHAA.
with yellow and orange flower flip-flops...

......_______....... *birds fly pass*

Everyone was staring at him.

Then when it was his turn, he voiced out to the person incharge of printing of what he wanted.

his designs were ALL pink and yellow and bright colors!!!!! well, i'm not suprise. designs are designs. So what's wrong with playing with colors? right?

it was then when he started to take papers out for printing. they were al NEON bright colors...

omg. this guy likes bright colors so much. HAHAAA

then, his ringtone rang. no WAIT! more like message tone. which was birds cheaping, and he took his phone out.
it was PINK!!not just that! he had the fluffy thingy hanging on his phone..


i'm sorry. i just find it hilarious.
i never though a guy would love pink. HAHA. BRIGHT PINK. it's like a real live legally blonde.

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