Thursday, 10 January 2008

internet ain't working that well..geez. i wonder why.. been at home the whole day. i woke up at 1 this morning. no's this afternoon..haha..planned to get my blood checked..but i don't have the guts..oh great..don't know why am i so afraid of needles..=[..

went to dinner at KimBali last night with parents and their friend. Food was ok. after that, there was a freako drug-addict guy who kept following us. Lucky my dad was there, but still, he kept coming near me and i was so freaked out. Argh..anyway, when we reached the car. anotehr two freako indians were leaning against my car. Next to the driver seat. when i passed, they were like 'hey love...' into the car and locked it. my mom walked ssssOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo slow, i wished i could yell at her and ask her to hurry up or smth like that..geez...then drove to 24-hour McD at Gunung-rapat that area.. then went home. couldn't get online cz the line wasn't reli very good..geez...i manage slightly now only. have to wait friggin long for it to load...

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