Sunday, 23 March 2008

It's not even my fault.
Here i am sitting down and wishing how i could be a better person.
I tried to close my ears and pretend i've never heard them so i won't be such a emo freak after listening to them.
But i just can't.

As the tears run down my cheeks,
i feel disappointed at myself.
Mayb i could have been a better person with a better attitude,
I;ve always thought they were wrong,
but then now i realized,
then we all have faults,
and maybe i'm just not the perfect girl,
and i just don't have the perfect attitude.
So, what makes me have the right to even go after him..

All i know,
i'll hate myself for life,
if i blow my chances forever and
if i never get him..

i just don't understand why won't he...

-i love you-

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