Sunday, 4 May 2008

Blood Test

I finally went for my first Blood Test after 19 years. I don't even know what type am i. So, now i now. [not yet la..but soon. XD]

I have been quite nervous and was freaking out for a few days. But i was shaking like mad when i was sitting there waiting for my turn. Glued to the chair i was and reluctant to go before my mom. I hate it when she is nervous and she scares you even more. 

But at the end, i went over with it quite well. It does hurt, but in my mind i was consoling myself that sayang is the one biting me. Sayang is the one pinching me. *ouch.. Poor sayang that i have to use him in that way to actually put myself together and walk over to the nurse. hmmm..

After that, i was at parade and waiting for sayang and we went to have bak kut teh. FINALLY...we've been talking bout going there for weeks and months but we never did. till now. *laughs.


Janice said...

Hey... You went on a blood test. what's your blood type.
hehehe... That's funny you described how you walked towards the nurse..
hehe.. you are like living in your ow n world with your prince. haha..
is good to see that.. hehe.
good luck =)

Unknown said...

haha..thanks alot. XD