the biggest secret in a little girl is all in here.
The happiest person to share it with her is all in here.
The one she chose to be devoted to him, and all her big secret lies beneath this page.
So keep your lips tight and don't say a word to anyone else.
So, join us here to make the world a better place.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Some people are just a pain in the ass, they like to deny what they say. *ugh. I wonder where these people come from and how mature they really are.
because i've heard what i heard and i did not add anything. As a friend, i don't shut up aside. Say all you want and i do not care. I bet you've been saying bout me then, but who cares?
1 comment:
denier..haha i thought you were gonna talk about stockings or something.
see see.... people who deny.
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