Saturday, 17 May 2008


It has been a VERY HOOOOTTTTT day and a boring day...hmmm.... and it just feels so stuffy. slept almost the whole day and it seems like i'm going to sleep again soon..haha..

I was sweating and twisting and turning. Back home, i sweat when i sleep but i never get my bed wet. today. it was damp. T_T. so hot and sticky. wish i could jump into a swimming pool..haha...I've got so many to post about today but i still do not have the right image so it might be delayed..*ugh.

Sayang's taking shower and i'm waiting for him..haha..he posted a post on my blog..>.<...hehz...:D...was suprised though..hehez...

i think i'm going to sleep now...*nitez

-i love u very much hubby-

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