Thursday, 26 July 2007


being sick is something not everyone wants to be in. i feel bad that my honey is getting sick's all my fault, if i wasn't sick, he would not be sick d. I came sick with a sore throat last friday before i left kl, just did not expect it to happen on the first day i came bek to kl.
I couldn't sleep the whole night. woke up on and off to blow my nose, and my roomate left the lights on. I felt bad for blowing my nose in the middle of the night. I was so restless and dead.I hate being sick.

My honey, came today at one smth. I was sleeping the entire morning. tired ler..feel so dead.
i miss him.
Just came from the airport, sent Ahyi and Chris to the airport, dad picked me up from campus.

1 comment:

DJLDracio said...

Aww why didn't u mention about our 'dirty little secret' hehe. muaxx