Monday, 17 September 2007

food poisoning..a.g.a.i.n.

i have food poisoning again. This is not the first time, this year, it's like the fifth time or smth like that. am i that weak? omg...*sigh*..
I couldn't sleep the whole night last night, the whole day, i had a feeling to vomit, but i couldn't . Until one in the morning, it was like going to come out, but waited till 2 in the morning only it came out. dinner, half a plastic bag..i so wanted to cry, after that i just drank some water and ribena bit by bit. till 4 in the morning only i fell asleep.
Today, i had the feeling of vomiting again and i feel so weak. my stomach is grumbling and having tornado's. but still i can't vomit..i just do hope it'll go away..T____T

1 comment:

DJLDracio said...

Honey, I'm here for u ok? I'll take care of u. Muax. Guess we're both sick again huh? haha what luck... I love u muax