Sunday, 8 June 2008


zomg.. she sometimes really pisses me off. this is why i hate about it. i can't be who i am. i always have to pretend i'm someone else. i have to always pretend i'm ok with something else. *ugh. I so wish i can take my laptop and go somewhere to hide and finish my work without her interuptions.. 

Her lack of sense and understanding is just something unbearable. Why is my fault if i'm sick? Why is it my fault that i'm feeling the pain? ok. maybe i'm just not looking it in her way.

i'm sick cz i'm not eating well cz i'm scared of getting obese. I'm stuck with all the work cz i suck at organising things and i'm slow, i'm not smart and i suck at creativity. I prefer doing work at night cz i'm alone and no one's there to disturb me and main thing. i can't sleep. [janice would know why]..

hmph. i've got to stop and continue my work. *ugh. so stress..

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