Friday 27 June 2008

what suprises me

hmmm..what would really suprise me??

- hubby updating his blog..XD...
- hubby updating about me..XD..haha...


- me able to draw a proper decent person!!
- me transfering to TOA..haha..XD...
- studying business? yeap. that'll be suprising..
- anyone remembering my birthday..haha....^^ *hints out here*..but long way more.
- getting SLIM and TINY and SEXY...haha..XD...that'll be great and shock too..
- carol getting fat..haha..when i mean fat i really meant FAT, with flabby arms and big thigh..haha..*evil*
- beating my brother in ANY game..
- getting suprises from hubby would be EVEN suprising..haha.. [i sound like he doesn't give suprises at all]..XD

*such a random post*

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