Tuesday 7 August 2007


My darling always ask me why am I so free. Till I am able to blog and blog and blog. Hehez. Well, this is the cause when you are alone and you have many things in your head.

I’ve been in KL for half a year already and I noticed a few things.

Back in my hometown, some people just don’t grow.

They just think of fun and games.

Girls back there are just so Japanese-wannabes.

Guys at the age of 17 are going after the 13 year old girls.

Oh gawd… What kind of socialization do we have here?

I mean, as you grow old. Grow up too! Why stick to those little kids?

I’m sorry if I offended any one of you.

I have a friend, who came to me and complain that hid girlfriend does not want to take him back.
He kept on complaining that she was the one, he cannot live without her and all that crap.

Here’s the conversation from me and him

lingz: I ask you a question.
him: Yea?
lingz: What do you see yourself in five years time? or in ten years time?
him: Being happy with her lo... i cannot live without her wan a...
lingz: So what do you see in the future.
him: .....harh??
lingz: What picture do you see yourself?

him: Don't know?
lingz: Harh? don't know? then how you can say that you want to be with her?
him: ...... er....
lingz: think about it first. is she really the one. Think of the future.

Yea…that was more or less like that…

I really am speechless…

1 comment:

DJLDracio said...

Lol When we're alone we think alot. That i know.... I love u alot alright? Muax, We've already found our ones right? haha